Industrialisation was a mixed blessing.Explain by giving examples.
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The Industrial Revolution [ 1770 - 1995 ] brought About Major Changes In The Modern World Concerned With Industries and Production. It was an Event Which Shaped Our Modern History and Changed The Course Of The Modern World and Transformed Humans From an Agrarian Society into an Industrial Society. This Event, However Was Not same For all. Sure it Changed the Way we Perceived the World but Had Some Downsides Too. We'll Describe This Event By Contrasting The Pros and Cons Of the Industrialisation.
• Specifically, it Increased The Production Output With the Introduction of New Technology and the Machine System of Production. However, it led to a decline of the traditional artisans, craftsmen in the colonies which served as markets for these products.
• Production Now, was done Largely in Factories which Substantially Benefitted The Owners Of the Capital and the Factory but the Workers Faced a Downfall in Working Conditions, Sanitation and Wages. The issues Of Working Hours, Child Labor and unsafe Working Environment Increased with time.
• The urban landscape grew very fast but the cities were full of slums, squatter settlements, social and moral degradation of the society. The GDP was rising but not the happiness quotient of the working class.
• Capitalism Resonated but for Few Only. The Working Class was undergoing Misery which Gradually Led to the Ideology of Socialism, a Movement For Worker Solidarity which Confronted the Capitalist Mode of Production.
• It brought revolution in transportation which reduced distances but at the same time, the pollution levels too began to increase. Indeed since Industrial revolution, the CO2 added has increased manifolds and its negative impacts have begun to appear as climate change.
• Thus, We Can See Industrialisation as Both a Desirable And Undesirable Change but it Was Event Which Changed the World and the Way We saw the World Whether it was Socially, Politically or Economically, Changed a Lot and Can Be Said as a Much Needed Blessing.
That's you answering right Harsh? xD
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