Social Sciences, asked by visheshprajapati, 2 months ago

Inequality is unfair. What is the goverment of India doing to overcome it?

Answer in long​


Answered by namanprajapati2020


Inequality is unfair. What is the goverment of India doing to overcome it?

Answer=Every year, before the Annual World Economic Forum at Davos, Oxfam International releases its annual inequality report. Each report looks to capture a different dimension of inequality (like the 2019 report titled “Public good or Private Wealth?”) but fundamentally revolves around the various forms of inequality that have now become ubiquitous. It is in light of this that we first look at what inequality means and what its impacts are on our day to day life.

What is inequality?

The Cambridge dictionary describes inequality as “the unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, etc. than other people”. The United Nations describes it even more simply as “the state of not being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities”.

While the term itself is quite vast and has various interpretations, for the purpose of simplicity, the two large umbrellas under which we can classify inequality would be economic inequality and social inequality. Both these categories are deeply intertwined and inequality in one often affects the inequality in another. Over the years, through its course of study, Oxfam has studied inequality as a grave social injustice and has documented the incidents and scale of this inequality at a global level.

Economic Inequality

Perhaps the most quantified and calculated form of inequality is the economic variant. Even here, the most predominant forms of inequality measured are those of income inequality and wealth inequality. Income inequality is the inequality in and disparity in the incomes commanded by the top percentile of the population in comparison to the bottom percentiles, while wealth inequality measures look to do the same but by calculating disparities in wealth instead of income.


“Income is not just the money received through pay, but all the money received from employment (wages, salaries, bonuses etc.), investments, such as interest on savings accounts and dividends from shares of stock, savings, state benefits, pensions (state, personal, company) and rent.”

-The Equality Trust



“Wealth refers to the total amount of assets of an individual or household. This may include financial assets, such as bonds and stocks, property and private pension rights. Wealth inequality, therefore, refers to the unequal distribution of assets in a group of people”

-The Equality Trust

Answered by christinobeck3


There is a constitution of India

where the equality is there

and The government is doing many things like

Finishing child labour, Education for girls and Opening orphanage for better education for whom who lost their Parents


In true sense The government is doing nothing only they are finishing all jobs.

Easy to say False Harder to say True :(

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