Inert gas do not take part in chemical reaction.Give reason?
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molecules pratima take part in reaction only when they have to full fill their octet since inert gases already have their octet or duplet filled they rarely take part in reactions
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xenon & other some inert gases take part in reaction to decrease their potential energy !
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As the atoms of Inert gases already have a completely filled outer shell, so they do not take part in any chemical reaction which involves gaining, losing, or sharing electrons.
Inert gas is also named Nobel gas or the group 0 elements.
All the elements tend to lose, gain, or share electrons to complete their octet. But the atoms of Inert gases already have a completely filled outer shell, so they do not take part in any chemical reaction which involves gaining, losing, or sharing electrons. Thus every element tries to reach the Nobel gas state.
Inert gas also has very low densities and they are not inflammable.