English, asked by dferdawzia, 9 months ago

Infancy- what should mother's and baby sitters do and do not help infants develop normal and healthy?


Answered by shwetashweta5128


First study normal child development—far too many people expect babies to do things that are impossible for them to do. Babies cannot sleep through the night, go many hours without eating, “soothe” themselves, etc. Because we humans have evolved such large brains we are born far too early compared to other mammals—we need to treat the first 9–12 as if they are still in the womb: carried as much as possible, nursed every 2 hrs minimum newborn, gradually lessening to 3 hrs(if bottle feeding try to imitate nursing as much as possible, hold baby close, never prop bottles etc). NEVER, EVER hit or shake a baby—that should go without saying but seeing questions on the forum makes it obvious some people should not have children. If you are at wit’s end with a baby who can’t be soothed place them in a crib in a safe manner and leave the room so you can take a break or better find someone to help you take a break.


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Answered by abhi3023


Because we humans have evolved such large brains we are born far too early compared to other mammals—we need to treat the first 9–12 as if they are still in the womb: carried as much as possible, nursed every 2 hrs minimum newborn, gradually lessening to 3 hrs(if bottle feeding try to imitate nursing.

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