Biology, asked by Young5281, 1 year ago

Inference of apiculture centre


Answered by TheBrainlyGirL001


Beekeeping is one of the more universal agricultural endeavors. Bees are found on all continents, oustide of Antartica. Bees work a dual agricultural role by both producing honey and aiding in the pollination of flowering crops. Although much work and study has focused on improving the practice of beekeeping, or apiculture, it is still possible and prevelant to manage beehives at a very low level of technological and capital input. Their cosmopolitan distribution, multipurpose nature and relative simplicity in managment combine to make bees a natural agricultural supplement for many types of farm system in developing countries.

In this page we will adress several issues concerning the application of beekeeping in development projects. Given the great diversity among bees and beekeepers, it will not be possible for us to cover the apicultue of every culture, country or variety of bee. Instead we will focus on some general topics, and provide supplemenatry material for each of those topics.

In short, beekeeping is so cool because it can work almost anywhere. It is multi-functional; bees provide honey, a high energy food supplement that can be sold to bring cash into a small farm. Bees also provide wax, which has almost unlimited uses. Both honey and wax are valued for their medicinal use in traditional cultures. Bees also probvide a valuable ecological service through their role as a pollinator...


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Answered by shailendrachoubay456

Apiculture Centre


  • Apiculture is the management and work of honeybees,derived from the honeybee's Latin name Apis mellifera, signifying 'bee gatherer'
  • The development of honey bees on a business scale for the production of honey is called apiculture  
  • Apiculture is significant in light of the fact that it provides honey bees with a sheltered work environment and live
  • The honey bees fertilize a considerable lot of our food sources, it's essential to keep the honey bee population  sound. Furthermore, apiculture gives a environment wherein to examine honey bee environment and behavior
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