English, asked by manishboss2930, 5 months ago

Informal Letter :
Imagine that you are Riddhi /Advik Pawar.
Your friend has a great interest in driving
motorbike but she/he is not using helmet.
Write a letter to your friend about the
importance of using helmet also invite her /
him to visit 'Helmet Exhibition'.


Answered by chaudharyatharva3113


896,Hira Nagar,

Sant Gadge Marg,

Anderi (West),

Mumbai 400056.

10 April, 2021.

Dear friend, Ravi.

Hi Ravi, How are you? How are uncle and aunt? I hope you all are well by thr blessings of the Lord.

By the way I have wrote this letter to you to tell you about the importance of wearing a helmet while driving a motorbike.

It has came to my ears that you are not wearing a helmet while driving a motorbike. Please don't do this this will not only harm you but also others.

And if you aren't wearing a helmet then if a accident happens but it shouldn't happen then it will make your health conscious.

So I want you to please listen to me and wear a helmet while driving a motorbike.

Your's loving friend,

Advik Pawar.

Answered by adepajay12


sanskar high school celebrates 'teacher's day'

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