information about Chartisgarh forest
interesting facts
The recorded forest area in the state is 59,772 km2 , which is 44.21 percent of its geographical area. ... In terms of forest canopy density classes, the state has 4,163 km' of very dense forests, 34,811 km2 ofmoderately dense forests und 16,600 km2 ofopen forests.
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தமிழில் தேடுங்கள்
இந்பொர்மதிஒந் அபௌட் ச்சட்டிஸ்கர் போரெஸ்ட் இன்டெரெஸ்ட்டிங் பாக்ட்ஸ்
The recorded forest area in the state is 59,772 km2 , which is 44.21 percent of its geographical area. ... In terms of forest canopy density classes, the state has 4,163 km' of very dense forests, 34,811 km2 ofmoderately dense forests und 16,600 km2 ofopen forests.