Biology, asked by smiley14, 1 year ago

information about diffusion and osmosis in day to day life activities


Answered by ana205

If you’ve ever put a drop of food coloring in a glass, then you’ve watched as one more concentrated solution becomes diluted in one that is comparatively less dense. While this isn’t osmosis, it is diffusion, which is an instructional version of osmosis in which a key ingredient and process are missing.

So what is osmosis?

We mentioned diffusion above and now we just need to tweak the process a little bit to understand osmosis. You just need three ingredients for osmosis to happen: a semipermeable membrane with two solvents of different concentrations on either side. A solvent is a substance capable of dissolving solutes to form a solution. It might sound complicated, but water is the most common example of a solvent.

Osmosis: Osmosis refers to the movement of one, less concentrated solvent through a semipermeable membrane to another, more concentrated solvent. The objective is an equalized solution, which can make osmosis sound confusing. 

1. Animal Cells
This is by far the most popular example of osmosis, probably appearing in every chemistry textbook in the country. As you will see with many examples of osmosis, this animal cell example involves salt and water. Our cells have semipermeable membranes that do not allow salt particles to flow in and out. The only way, then, “water down” an over salted cell is to allow water to move back and forth. Therefore when we are dehydrated and drink a lot of water, we are reaching equilibrium in our cells by filling them back up with water.

2. Water Soak
You can soak a large number of things in water to literally watch osmosis take place before your eyes. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables are great examples. The water isn’t simply flowing into empty spaces inside the fruit. It is literally passing through the cell walls and re-hydrating the fruit or vegetable. Something such as a raisin will have a very, very high concentration of sugars and water (do not confuse concentration with quantity; the raisin has little water, but it is highly concentrated). Thus, the water flows from a point of low concentration (the cup or bowl of water) to one of high concentration (the raisin). In this way equilibrium is achieved.

3. Slug Murder
I would never recommend killing an innocent creature, but the example of salting a slug is too bizarre to resist. Once you understand what happens when you salt a slug, you’ll realize that salt is the slug’s kryptonite . 

Unfortunately for the slug, it has no protective barrier between it’s cell walls and the outside world. This probably seems like a fatal flaw, but surely no slug expects to have pure salt dropped on it. But when such a thing does happen, the high concentration of the salt on the outside of the slug causes the cells to start trying to balance concentrations. In non-scientific terms, the water is “sucked” right out of the slug’s body. The slug will dry up and die if enough salt is applied.

4. Root Pressure
I mentioned animal cells above, but plant cells work in the same fashion and are just as popular for osmosis examples. If you’ve ever wondered how roots generate “pressure” to withdraw water and nutrients from the soil, it’s through osmosis. This is accomplished by attracting the polar nutrients in the soil toward the root’s cells. It’s a very clever trick because the nutrients bring water with them and therefore solve this necessary problem for plants..
5. Cholera
Osmosis allows for terrible things to happen, as well. Cholera would not be possible without osmosis. The choleric bacteria populate in our intestines and begin to reverse the intestinal cells’ ionic orientation. In other words, it changes the way ions and, subsequently, water are transported in our intestines. 

6. Pruned Fingers
If you’ve ever been a bath or pool too long, then you’ve seen your fingers and toes get pruned. I only include this example because it is often misunderstood. You’re fingers are not shrinking; in fact, they are expanding. They are bloated. Most people assume that you are “pruning” up by losing water, but this is not the case. This makes it easier to understand the original idea of osmosis: moving from a less concentrated substance to a more concentrated substance. In this scenario, the water is the bathtub is less concentrated and it is trying to cause equilibrium by using osmosis to get into your body.
Answered by jasnoorkeer
diffusion : it is the process of moving the mixing of two kinds of particles . it can also be termed as the movement of particles from higher to lower concentration .
examples of diffusion in daily life are :
1) spraying of a perfume in a room
2) burning of incense sticks
3) mixing of a coloured liquid in water . like ink in water .

osmosis : it is the process of movement of water particles from higher concentration to lower concentration . osmosis is of two types : endosmosis and exosmosis.
examples of osmosis :
1) while washing clothes for a long time , our hands shrink because of exosmosis
2) if we keep raisins in water they swell up because of endosmosis .
3) ro (reverse osmosis water systems)

smiley14: send me Ieas of answer
jasnoorkeer: what is 'leas of answer' ?
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