information about kasav mahotsava
Why a festival for turtles? To put it simply, the festival is a part of the Olive ridley turtle conservation program. Around a decade back, before the conservation efforts started, most of the Olive ridley turtle eggs were consumed by dogs, fox, hyenas and even humans (as the eggs are rich in protein). Gradually, driven by awareness and large-scale participation from locals, almost 20,000 hatchlings have been released in the last ten years. From the start of the nesting season beginning November, locals maintain a vigil for the female Olive ridley turtles that come ashore to nest. Females lay up to three clutches per season, each clutch containing about 90-150 eggs. The volunteers involved in the conservation, scout for the eggs early morning based on turtle pug marks and then relocate these eggs to a safe hatchery in order to prevent loss from wild animals and predatory birds. The hatchery where the eggs are kept, replicates conditions similar to the nests built by the female turtles, but is protected from natural dangers. The eggs are buried deep in the sand and the area is covered with bamboo baskets and jute cloths. A barricade is built around to ensure that no wild animals eat the eggs
आंजर्ले (ता. दापोली) येथे कासव संरक्षण मोहीम उत्तम प्रकारे चालू आहे. गेल्या वर्षी (21 मार्च २०१८ पासून) आंजर्ले येथे ग्रामपंचायत आंजर्ले, कासव मित्र मंडळ, आंजर्ले यांच्या वतीने व वनविभाग रत्नागिरी व सह्याद्री निसर्ग मित्रच्या सहकार्याने कासव महोत्सवाचे आयोजन करण्यात आले होते.
तेथे पर्यटकांना कासवाची नवजात पिल्ले समुद्रात जाताना पाहण्याची सुवर्णसंधी मिळाली. राहण्यासाठी होमस्टेची व्यवस्था केली होती.
महोत्सवादरम्यान सकाळी ७ व संध्याकाळी ६ वाजता कासवे समुद्रात सोडण्यात आली. कासवांसबंधित माहिती देण्य़ासाठी तिथे कार्यकर्ते उपस्थित होते. कार्यकर्त्यांतर्फे पर्यटकांना कासवांबरोबरच कोकणातील निसर्गाची ओळख व्हावी यासाठी कांदळवनाची निसर्गभ्रमंती व पक्षांची माहिती देण्यात आली.