Information about number system on different types of number
There is various types of numbers but in 9th class
there are 6 type of numbers
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Natural number - The numbers which is started from 1 to infinity _____.
2. Whole number - The numbers which is started from 0 to infinity _____.
3. Integers - Any number that is not neither a decimal or a fraction. Integer is the mixture of negative and positive number including 0 also.
4. Rational number - The numbers which is shown in the form of p/q where q is not = to 0.
5. Irrational number - The numbers which is not shown in the form of p/q where q is not = 0. Irrational numbers can be expressed in positional notation, notably as a decimal no.
6. Real number - These are the numbers which include both rational and irrational no.