Information about sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually Transmitted Diseases or simply STDs are the diseases caused due to infections spreaded by viruses, bacteria and pathogens. These are also called vulnerable diseases. These diseases can get transmitted if any one of the partner has already been affected and when comes in contact sexually with the other.
Some of the STD's are as follows:-
1. AIDS-: Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. It is a viral and chronic disease. It is caused by the 'HIV virus'.
2. Gonorrhoea-: It is caused by bacteria 'Neisseria gonoroheae', thus is a bacterial disease.
3. Syphilis-: This disease is caused by corkscrew like bacterium 'Treponema pallidum'. It can even spread from mother to infants.
4. Genital warts-: In this disease that is caused by the 'Human papilloma virus' or HPV, warts or hard benign outgrowths appear over external genitals.
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