information aboutapiculture center
The word ‘apiculture’ comes from the Latin word ‘apis’ meaning bee. So, apiculture or beekeeping is the care and management of honey bees for the production of honey and the wax. In this method of apiculture, bees are bred commercially in apiaries, an area where a lot of beehives can be placed. Apiaries can be set up in areas where there are sufficient bee pastures – usually areas that have flowering plants.
simply it means that its a place where you breed and grow honey bee in large scale for honey..
Apiculture is the culturing and maintenance of honey bees, beehives, and bee colonies using man-made methods. ... From the information given by the center, the lifecycle of the honey bee starts with the queen bee laying the eggs. The eggs hatch into the larvae inside the cells which are fed by the worker bees.