History, asked by thegreat, 1 year ago

Information on administration and consolidation of the Delhi Sultanate under the Khaljis and the Tughluqs.


Answered by Shravani83
Muhammad Ghazni formed the Ghorid dynasty which was then expanded by Muhammad Ghori.He tried to expand it into India.He conquered Punjab,Sind,Ajmer,Delhi,Benaras & Kanauj. After this he returned to Ghor leaving the Indian territories in charge of Qutb-ud-din Aibak. He proclaimed himself as the Sultan of Turkish territories in India. He made Delhi his capital and thus founded the DELHI SULTANATE. 
Delhi Sultanate had five dynasties :- 
1. The Mamluk Dynasty
2. The Khalji Dynasty
3. The Tughluq Dynasty ( Turkish Origin)
4. The Sayyid Dynasty 
5. The Lodi Dynasty ( Afghan Origin).

This dynasty consists of :
i) Qutb-ud-din Aibak 
ii) Iltutmish
iii) Ghiyas-ud-din Balban

This dynasty consists of :
i) Alau-ud-din Khalji

This dynasty consists of :
i) Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
ii) Firoz Tughluq

It was established by Khizr Khan.

This dynasty consists of :
i) Sikandar Lodi
ii) Ibrahim Lodi.

The Lodi dynasty and the Delhi Sultanate came to end when Babur invaded India and defeated Ibrahim Lodi in the Battle of Panipat in 1526.

Then after the Mughal Dynasty was established in India.

thegreat: Read the question properly!
Answered by Angelosujo



Unity in the vast kingdom of the sultanate depended on reliable administrators and governors. But rather than chieftains, the sultans preferred slaves called bandagan (slaves purchased for military service and carefully trained to handle important political offices).

The use of slaves by the Delhi Sultans was criticised by the elite in the kingdom.

The Khaljis and the Tughlaqs appointed local commanders called 'iqtadar' or' muqti', and the lands given to them to manage were called 'iqtas'.

The 'iqtadars' led military campaigns, maintained law and order, collected taxes, and paid their soldiers. And their positions were not inheritable.

To keep a check on them, they were assigned 'iqtas' only for periods of time, and accountants were appointed to check the revenues they collected.

Under Alauddin Khalji, the government started collecting land revenue directly. So the rights of the local chieftains to collect taxes were cancelled, and they too were forced to pay taxes.

Three types of taxes were collected:  tax on cultivation, called 'kharaj', about 50% of the peasants' produce; tax on cattle; and tax on houses.

Mongol attacks on the Delhi Sultanate increased during the reign of Alauddin Khalji and in the early years of Muhammad Tughluq’s rule. This forced the sultans to prepare a large standing army in Delhi, and that was a huge administrative challenge.

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