information on tamasha the traditional play in hindi
महाराष्ट्र का कोई भी एक गांव. नब्बे के दशक से पहले का कोई भी एक दिन. उबासी ले रही दोपहर का सन्नाटा कुछ गाड़ियों की आवाज़ से टूटता है. उन गाड़ियों के इंजन की आवाज़ को मात देती है लाउडस्पीकर की तेज़ आवाज़. सारा गांव यूं हड़बड़ाकर कर जागता है, जैसे किसी ने कंधों को पकड़कर झिंझोड़ दिया हो. लाउडस्पीकर पर हो रही अनाउंसमेंट जवान, बूढ़े, बच्चों में उत्तेजना की लहर दौड़ा देती है. गांव में ‘तमाशा पार्टी’ आई है. शाम गुलज़ार होने वाली है.
जहां एक ओर मर्द बिरादरी खुश है, वहीं औरतों के माथे पर बल पड़ गए हैं. उन्हें लगता है कि उनके पति/बेटे/भाई का पतन करने वाली आत्माओं ने हमला बोल दिया है. मर्दों पर बस तो चलता नहीं, इसलिए भुनभुनाते हुए ही सही, उनकी खाना जल्दी बना लेने जैसी सूचनाओं पर अमल करती रहती हैं. अपनी भड़ास उन बच्चों पर निकालती हैं, जो ‘तमाशा’ देखने जाने की ज़िद करने लगे हैं. उस शाम गांव में थोक के भाव में कूटे जाते हैं बच्चे.
Since ancient time’s Folk art has mesmerized the audiences with its ideal fusion of music, drama,
dance, humor and was thought-out as the paramount form of entertainment. Folk art was also
used to create awareness and give messages in a language that the rural population connected
with easily and soulfully. The advent of technology and abundant choices of sophisticated
glamorous amusement like Radio, Television and Internet entertainment has gradually decreased
the demand and audience for the folk art, is steadily slipping over the years. The traditional
Tamasha has also taken a back seat and lost its place in the minds of the loyal audience. This
paper draws attention to the fading demand for this ancient folk art and its direct impact on the
artists who lost their main source of livelihood.
Tamasha is one of the most popular folk art with its origin deep rooted in the rural pockets of
Maharashtra. The countryside populace had a very hard working day with majority of them
earning their livelihood by farming and agriculture related jobs in addition to driving bullock
carts, ploughing the fields, breaking stones. Tamasha was the ideal stress buster as well as a very
important supply of entertainment. The creator of Tamasha is actually Ram Joshi (1762 A.D. to
1812 A.D.), a very dynamic persona and was proficient in Sanskrit and Marathi and in fact
responsible to design this theatrical form. Ram Joshi along with another massive personality
Moropanta, with an expertise in contemporary Marathi writing, together combined their artistic
expertise resulted in a new cadenced type of singing today popularly called Lavani. Ram Joshi
endeavoured to channelise this singing for moral purposes.ii
Expressed through theatre, Tamasha, is a style which is an artistic combination of a regular play,
a musical and dance. Tamasha is known for its double meaning lyrics and borderline erotic
movements and themes. Since Tamasha is performed as an earthy dance drama, which many a
times degenerated to a crude level, was looked down upon by the educated and sophisticated
strata of the Maharashtrian society.iiiThe artists who performed Tamasha are called ’kalavanths’,
who have been performing this art since the period of Peshwas and ongoing till today. The
Tamasha companies, popularly known as (phads) run with precise professionalism and a few are
aided and recognized by the government to save this old folk art from dying. The Phads are like
a close knit family and live together in addition to, is a mobile theatre that goes to different
regions to perform. The word ‘Tamasha’ is Persian and means ‘to have fun or to play’. Today,
this word is commonly used in Hindi, Marathi, Kannada and Urdu. Again, some have researched
the origin of the word Tamasha to Turkish language that has entered into Urdu and finally
borrowed from Urdu to Marathi.