Informational speech on Facebook
A pleasant good morning to each and every individual present here. Respected Principal, judges (critic),teachers and my dear friends and peers.Today I Ritika of std. 10th feels very happy and grateful to have such a golden opportunity to stand here and deliver a speech on “Facebook is killing face to face conversation”.
First of all by showing off hands I would like to ask to the audience that how many of you feel that Facebook is not killing face to face conversation ? Okay so now I request you to keep your hands down.I will not assure you that after the end of my speech I will change your perception of thinking but yes I can assure you that you will be sort of convinced that yes “Facebook is killing face to face conversation”.
I would like to start by asking what is Facebook ? Basically Facebook is a social networking website that allows users to chat and connect with millions of people from all around the world.You can even post pictures,videos and audios and tag your friends in it. Isn’t that great ? I mean it sounds so great.
But the sad truth is that Facebook is not so great as it sounds or seems to be.Facebook kills face to face conversation.Yes,it really does.Nowadays public speaking and communicating are lesser seen sights and that is absolutely because of social networking websites and Facebook shouldn’t be blamed alone for this.This is also because of other chat programs or apps like Instagram,Twitter,Hike and so on.
We can say that because of Facebook,face to face communication is suffering.Social networking sites are considered as the best form of communication and now people rarely sit with their families and talk with each other.Gone are the days when children used to wait for their parents especially father who used to come from office doing all day work,for sharing the whole day’s experience and other stuff.People find their lives so difficult without Facebook.
What do they actually do?
People especially youngsters are attracted to Facebook who log in and post their latest pictures,videos and other things just for the sake of likes.But the shocking part is many people are so addicted and “wannabe” for taking likes that they even get fake likes from an app that’ll give you as many likes as you want for your picture or video.People find so easy to talk with many people on Facebook,even to the people they don’t even know and about 93% of communication is non-verbal.It is so astonishing to digest the fact that you have so many emojis for expressing your moods and emotions. On the contrary many find it very difficult to communicate with their family, friends and relatives.
So what can we do?
Undoubtedly,we all know at least one person in our friend circles or in our family who spends most of the time using Facebook and finds face to face communication as a simple wastage of time.So according to me we can talk to that person and tell him or her the importance of face to face communication as well as interaction with the society rather than non-verbal talks on Facebook.We can also make him or her understand that the more time you spend using Facebook the more you are being apart from your family-friends and isolating from the society.