Inner feelings of gaston roberge after meeting of satyajeeth ray 10th class dairy entry
hyy mate
u can write it own..........
Dear Diary
Today is one of the saddest days in my life. I went to meet my dear friend Satyajit Ray in the hospital. He is counting his last days in the hospital. I was shocked to see him in his present condition. I remember how I first met him as a handsome young man full of life and spirit.
The man I saw looked as if he did not know anything about film making. It was quite impossible to believe that he has given some of the most brilliant films to date. Ray had lost the will to live and he had no memory about his own films. He did not even seem the least bit interested in discussing about films.
I came away soon as I could not bear to see my dear friend like this. I did not want to paint a picture of him in this pitiable condition in my mind.