Innovative idea if Sculptures and Building?
It can be both an art and a craft because it is both beautiful and functional. The sculptor may choose to work with clay, sand, sawdust, paper, plastics, or any other soft malleable medium. Sculpture can be chipped or cut from wood, metal, stone, marble, and other medium to hard classifications of objectsAs a result, for most of its history, sculpture has been created using four basic methods: stone carving, wood carving, bronze casting and clay firing.
Unlike painting, which traditionally represents an illusion of three-dimensional space on a flat surface, sculpture actually inhabits the space shared by the viewer. Sculpture is also tactile—one could actually touch it and feel its various textures and forms.
Sculpture is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions. It is one of the plastic arts. Durable sculptural processes originally used carving (the removal of material) and modelling (the addition of material, as clay), in stone, metal, ceramics, wood and other materials but, since Modernism, there has been an almost complete freedom of materials and process. A wide variety of materials may be worked by removal such as carving, assembled by welding or modelling, or moulded or cast.