Input format the first line contains two space-separated integers n and d. the next n lines contain one integer each, the ith line giving the value of l[i]. assume that the maximum value of n is 50. output format output a single line containing the maximum number of pairs of swords that can be formed.
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Input Format
The first line contains two space-separated integers denoting the respective values of n (the number of integers) and d (the number of left rotations you must perform
,t = input().strip().split(' ')
s,t = [int(s),int(t)]
a,b = input().strip().split(' ')
a,b = [int(a),int(b)]
m,n = input().strip().split(' ')
m,n = [int(m),int(n)]
apple = [int(apple_temp) for apple_temp in input().strip().split(' ')]
orange = [int(orange_temp) for orange_temp in input().strip().split(' ')]
apple_on_house = [item for item in apple if a+item >= s and a+item <=t]
orange_on_house = [item for item in orange if b-item <= t and b-item >= s]
print (len(apple_on_house))
print (len(orange_on_house))
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