Insects & leaves of a plant have pores through which they exchange gases with the atmosphere. Can you write 2 points of differences between these pores with respect to their position, number & extension into the body
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these pores are called stomatos...
stomatal index and stomatal number are formulas used to determine n.o of stomoto present in the leaf ..
there types are..
1 .anomlytic or ranunculaeous
2 .aniocytic or cruciferous
3 .paracytic or ribiaccous
4 .diacytic or caryophyllaceous
5 .actionocytic..
stomatal index and stomatal number are formulas used to determine n.o of stomoto present in the leaf ..
there types are..
1 .anomlytic or ranunculaeous
2 .aniocytic or cruciferous
3 .paracytic or ribiaccous
4 .diacytic or caryophyllaceous
5 .actionocytic..
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