insert 5 rational numbers between any two rational numbers
Since the Rational Numbers given doesn't have the same denominator firstly equate the denominators. We can't write 5 Rational Numbers between 6/8 and 4/8. Multiply the Numerators and Denominators by multiples of 10. 5 Rational Numbers between 40/80 and 60/80 are 41/80, 42/80, 43/80, 44/80, 45/80.
Answer:Question: Add 5 rational numbers between -2/3 and -1/3.
Answer: -7/18 , -8/18 , -9/18 , -10/18 , -11/18
Step-by-step explanation:
1. First make the LCM same. In this case, the LCM is same but we can't insert any rational numbers.
2. If you can't add any numbers, then multiply the numerator and denominator by (n+1) i.e. no.of numbers to be added+1, so in our case (5+1)= 6.
3. -2x6/3x6 and -1x6/3x6
4. -12/18 and -6/18.
5.Now insert the numbers. i.e. -7/18 , -8/18 , -9/18 , -10/18 , -11/18