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Like true sportsmen they would give enemy fair play.
24.Like true sportsmen they would give theenemy fair play. 25.They never fail who die in agreat cause. 26.There is nothing like staying at home for comfort. 27.He likes to picture himself as anoriginal thinker. 28.It is never athankful office to offer advice. 29.Anumbrella is of no avail against athunderstorm. 30.I have not seen him since he was achild. 31.For Brutus is anhonourable man. 32.Neil Armstrong was thefirst man to walk on themoon. 33.Man has no more right to say anuncivil thing than to act one. 34.We started late in theafternoon. 35.It is a strange thing how little, in general, people know about thesky. 36.Thescheme failed for want of support. 37.Thetiger, an animal equal to thelion in size, is anative of Asia. 38.Time makes theworst enemies friends. 39.My favourite flower is therose. 40.Thetime we live ought not to be computed by thenumber of years, but by theuse that has been made of them. 41.Mumbai is thelargest cotton textile centre in thecountry. 42.Men are too often led astray by prejudice. 43.Only thebest quality is sold by us. 44.What kind of bird is that? 45.Wild animals suffer when kept in captivity. 46.May we have thepleasure of your company? 47.It was the proudest moment of my life. 48.TheAndamans are a group of islands in theBay of Bengal. 49.He started school when he was six years old. 50.He neglects attending church, though thechurch is only afew yards from his house. 51.March is thethird month of theyear. 52.Dr. Arnold was headmaster of Rugby. 53.Man cannot live by bread alone.
like true sportsman they would give theenemy fair play