Inside the capacitor, there re equipotential lines. What do they represent and what is their most
important characteristics?
Inside each plate in a capacitor is a balance of electrons and protons. When electrons are pulled from one side and placed on the other side the protons are still trying to pull them back. If this pull has been built up enough, the dielectric barrier will crack and the electrons will all rush back. This extreme condition ruins a capacitor unless the dielectric can self heal as with some liquid electrolytes. Most electrolytic capacitors are ruined by this condition because they build up a solid shell on the plate which cracks. It also ruptures the structure with swelling and can be explosive. A non polarized capacitor is capable of swinging to just short of these extremes on both sides.
Inside the capacitor , there are equipotential lines . We need to know what they represent and what are their characteristics !
- Now , first of all, look at the the diagram of equipotential lines in the attached image.
- You will be able to understand that Equipotential Lines represent an imaginary plane on which there is is equal electrostatic potential everywhere.
- This is their significance.
The important characteristics of these lines are:
- The equipotential lines are located perpendicular (at 90°) to the electrostatic field lines.
- The equipotential lines are located parallel (at 0°) to the plane of the the plates of the capacitor.
- The red dotted lines in the image are the equipotential lines.
Hope It Helps.