inspite of being immensly influencial and a prominent visionary___________was not the member of constituent assembly
he was not the member of constituent assembly
The Constituent Assembly of India was elected to write the Constitution of India. Following India's independence from British Government in 1947,
being brought out on Dr. Lanka Sundaram, Dr. Shyama Prasad. Mookerjee ... As President of the Constituent Assembly and subsequently as occupant of the ... "No other leader has so much influence of his leadership.
Not a Popular body: Critics argued that the members of the Constituent Assembly were not directly elected by the people of India.Every challenge we faced was dealt with and came out as amendment. This misinterpretation often led to a prolonged judicial review petitions and again amendments by government to overrule the judgement. Especially during 1970s there was a lot disagreement between judiciary and legislature.