inspite of passing so many laws in favour of the impoverished classes they are still unable to enjoy many basic rights .Do you agree or not? Cite examples in your favour of your response
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yes i agree with this. I can use examples like:
i. If the government provides some fund or money for the impoverished classes the agents who are like a bridge who has to pass on the money to poor keep the money with themselves
ii. Sometimes the government say a lot of things and promises to the peoples but it use to be only on paper but not in reality.
Thus the ministers forget their promises and never fulfill the promises they have given to the people and the are not able to enjoy even their basic rights
i. If the government provides some fund or money for the impoverished classes the agents who are like a bridge who has to pass on the money to poor keep the money with themselves
ii. Sometimes the government say a lot of things and promises to the peoples but it use to be only on paper but not in reality.
Thus the ministers forget their promises and never fulfill the promises they have given to the people and the are not able to enjoy even their basic rights
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