Math, asked by guptakunal212, 9 months ago

integer num, reverse = 0, n
input num
n = num
while (num != 0 )
//missing statement
num = num/10
}radha wants to reverse a number using the given code​


Answered by mjkhichi5


Let's put our whole number and fraction side by side so we can visualize the problem we're trying to solve:

4 ÷



The trick to working out 4 divided by 168/450 is similar to the method we use to work out dividing a fraction by a whole number.

All we need to do here is multiply the whole number by the numerator and make that number the new numerator. The old numerator then becomes the new denominator. Let's write this down visually:

4 x 450





So, the answer to the question "what is 4 divided by 168/450?" is:



For this particular example we can actually simplify or reduce down the final fraction 1800/168 to a more simple version:



You might have also noticed in this case that the numerator is greater than the denominator (which we call an improper fraction) so we could also express the fraction as a mixed number instead:

10 5/7

If you made it this far you must really love your fractions and dividing whole numbers by them. Hopefully this simple guide was easy for you to follow along and you can now go forth and divide more whole numbers by as many fractions as your heart desires.

Convert 4 divided by 168/450 to Decimal

One last little calculation before you go. It's common to want to express your result as a decimal and, to do that, all you need to do is divide your numerator by your denominator:



= 10.7143

Whole Number Divided by Fraction

Answered by NehaKari

Answer: In order to see the issue we are attempting to tackle, let's compare our whole number and fraction:

4 ÷



The approach we use to calculate dividing a fraction by a whole integer is similar to the trick we use to calculate 4 divided by 168/450.

Here, all we have to do is multiply the numerator by the entire integer to create a new numerator. The new denominator is then changed to the original numerator.

Step-by-step explanation:

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