integral 1/1+x^4 dx fro linuts 2π to 0
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Truong-Son N. Using the definition of the integral and the fact that sinx is an odd function, from 0 to 2π , with equal area under the curve at [0,π] and above the curve at [π,2π] , the integral is 0 .
Step-by-step explanation:
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(1 - (1 - x2))√1 - x2 dx. This looks ... start by trying u = 1 - x2, using a new variable, u, for convenience in the ... We change the limits to sin(π/4) = /2/2 and sin(π/2) = 1. ... -x2 cos x + 2x sinx + 2 cosx + ∫ 0 dx = -x2 cos x + 2x sin x + 2 cos x + C.
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