Math, asked by akash299919, 9 months ago

integration Tanx/1-sinX​


Answered by Arceus11

Multiply denominator and numerator by (1+sinx). The integrand (I) becomes:

 \frac{\tan x(1+\sin x)}{1-\sin^2 x}\\</p><p>=\frac{\sin x}{\cos^3 x }+ \frac{\sin^2 x }{\cos^3 x }\\</p><p>\text{The integral now becomes:}\\</p><p>=\int {\frac{\sin x}{\cos^3 x }}+ \int {\tan^2 x \sec x }\\</p><p>\underline {Solving:}\: \int {\tan^2 x  \sec x}\\</p><p>=\int {(\sec x \tan x) \tan x} \: \mathrm{Use \: by \: parts}\\</p><p>\underline {Solving:} \: \int {\frac{sinx}{cos x}}\\</p><p>\implies Put \: u=\cos^3 x\\</p><p>

If you're still not getting it, tell me and I'll add the full solution.

It is important that you solve the problem yourself instead of copying someone else's solution, in order to get familiar with the calculations and tricks used.

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