Inter first year english my mother lesson
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PROSE LESSON 3:ON THE RULE OF THE ROADQuestion Answers: (for all 4 uestions!A"
The essay ‘On the Rule of the Road’ is written by A.G. Gardiner. He was a famous journalist andessayist.‘On the Rule of the Road’ is a debate about the need to strike balance between individual liberty andsocial order. Once a lady was walkin! in the middle of the road. "he didn’t care about the traffic andthe dan!er. "omeone told her that she should walk on the foot#ath. The lady an!rily re#lied that shehas freedom to walk anywhere she wants. "he did not realise that if others also broke rules like herthere would be accidents.To enjoy freedom we should not disturb others. $or e%am#le #layin! loud music at ni!ht woulddisturb the slee#in! nei!hbours. &ut we have many other freedoms. A #erson is free to eat what hewants dress how he wants marry any one he wants etc.
Annotations: (for Annotations # an$ %!
This sentence is taken from the essay ‘On the Rule of the Road’ is written by A.G.Gardiner. He was a famous journalist and essayist.(onte%t' ‘On the Rule of the Road’ is a debate about the need to strike balance between individualliberty and social order.)%#lanation' ‘On the Rule of the Road’ is a debate about the need to strike balance between individualliberty and social order. Once a lady was walkin! in the middle of the road. "he didn’t care about thetraffic and the dan!er. "omeone told her that she should walk on the foot#ath. The lady an!rily re#liedthat she has freedom to walk anywhere she wants. "he did not realise that if others also broke ruleslike her there would be accidents.
(for Annotations 3 an$ 4! :
This sentence is taken from the essay ‘On the Rule of the Road’ is written by A.G.Gardiner. He was a famous journalist and essayist.(onte%t' ‘On the Rule of the Road’ is a debate about the need to strike balance between individualliberty and social order.)%#lanation' To enjoy freedom we should not disturb others. $or e%am#le #layin! loud music atni!ht would disturb the slee#in! nei!hbours. &ut we have many other freedoms. A #erson is free to eatwhat he wants dress how he wants marry any one he wants etc.
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My mother is a poem about the mother.Its all about the role of the mother that how she brings up the child, all the struggle and difficulties she faced while up bringing her child.
Her emotions how she feels when her child is ill.
The pain she bears for betterment of her child.
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