English, asked by udayyadav7433, 1 year ago

Internet :A boon or a curse. Write an article in about 500 words.


Answered by PalaAdithyan

Internet: Boon Or Curse?

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”

- Christian Louis Lange

The internet is a 2 sided coin. One is good and the other is evil.

The Internet is a giant pool of information, news and a lot of useful things. People can share their thoughts, learn something new and enlighten themselves. You can find the answer to anything, online.  We  can also use the Internet to promote our business. We can sell our products by using various e-Commerce solutions on the Internet. Any information we need regarding health, money, law everything is in front of us within a few seconds.  Internet is also used for Teaching and Sharing Knowledge with others. The Internet is a very important tool for educators. The Internet is user-friendly and make students life easy. You have the answer as soon as you hit Enter. You have a lot of sources. It helps us all come together for good things. For some people Internet has saved their lives, literally. Want to go somewhere, know something or read something, GOOGLE it.

We all TRY to stay on the side illuminated by light, one wrong step, you fall in the caverns of darkness and you are STUCK. You can’t leave it. We cannot imagine our lives without the internet.  Now we come to the adverse effects.

Did you know? that we spend 45% of our life in front of a screen?. Half of our life. WASTED. Time in which you could have done something good. Addiction. Teenagers who are given a cell phone are put in a CELL. An inescapable one. Recent surveys conducted in America estimated that around 10-15 million people are there who are suffering from Internet Addiction Disorder.  Young people, who have potential, who could’ve become as great as Abdul Kalam, Have their minds poisoned by the net. People have serious mental Problems because of the net. People have gotten their lives destroyed by surfing the net. Since anyone can use Internet, so the huge user base of this virtual world contains some naughty minds as well. Such people’s whole purpose of using the web is to disturb others or to loot money from others. Did you know that the rate of obesity has gone up 31% since the internet was invented?

These days, the youth who have been addicted to the internet need to be given proper guidance and counseling. Before committing themselves or entering into any social site dating or any kind of relationship, the youth need to bear the following points in mind:

• Never to reveal their password.

• Ignore or report spam that they receive.

• Set security settings properly as per the social site.

• Never should they exchange personal details to strangers especially address, phone numbers and bank details.

• Indulge in outdoor activities


Lemme know if this helped. 483 words

Answered by Anonymous


Internet -  Internet has now became the basic need of Human life. After lots of  inventions  and  discoveries, Humans started to use internet. And, today almost 3.5 Billion people uses internet among the 8 Billion people.  As the use of internet is growing very rapidly, we can't predict the future of the internet. We can't predict it's future speed, Latency and time difference.

Today, The mail service is the most used service all over the internet. About 20 million Mails are sent on the internet in a single minute.  That's a very huge number.  Mail services and online chatting services had become cheap as compared to mobile operators messaging services. Lot of things can be done using  the  internet.  We can search for anything on the internet, we  can communicate with the  people from different countries, friends, relatives and parents.

Internet has taken the major role in the human life. Everything can be done  today using internet. We can share our views,  posts and articles publicly.  We can navigate to maps, with the help  of which,  we can  find  our destinations  and locations in  the new  cities. We can also explore  the outer  world and it's different  wonders using special services.  Internet can be today used for applying for exams,  train tickets,  Airplane tickets, watching TV and shows online and everything.

Also read  about Mobile Phones:

Mobile: In 1900's, the basic need of  Human beings were "Clothes, Food, Home". In 1990's decade, this needs were increased to electricity. And today in 2020, the Mobile phone is one of the basic need of human beings. It is because, No one can today spend a day without a mobile phone. According to a survey, Almost every mobile phone user spend 4 hours in a day using smartphone.  

Mobile phones are today generally used for communication, chats, Information and technology, World's exploration. Mobile phone is  really  very  helpful and important thing until we don't overuse it. Most of  the people  use their mobile  phones just for Photography, Playing games,   Watching  comedy videos and all unnecessary things.

Every year, Tons of  smartphones  are launched all over the world.  Every  year,   Compact phones are getting better and better by the years. Due to various new features, Customers are attracting towards the mobile phones and this is how, The tech companies are earning.

Mobile phones can be used for communication, giving online examinations, online shopping, searching and finding information, Exploring the world, Sharing our views with the people using social media, Advertising our products and many more other things.

There are some disadvantages of using mobile phones too. Due to long time in contact with the mobile screen, we can have the problems relates to our eyes, If we use mobile phones continuously for longer time, then it may affect our neck and our vertebral column can have different problems, Some people  can  also get affected by the diseases  like  Brain tumor. Mobile phones can damage our life.

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