Internet influence on kids essay hindi langunwage
It goes without saying that almost everyone enjoys the invention of the Internet. I cannot but to admit that the Internet is the greatest invention in the 20th century. In fact, today our global communication is functioning based on the Internet as it transmits all kinds of information. Certainly, teenagers compose a major group of the Internet users as they research for papers, chat with friends, read e-mails, and so on. It appears to us that the Internet has become so convenient to us that we can barely live without it; however, we might want to examine its pros and cons to the younger generation.
Let’s start with the pros. May I ask a question? Is here anyone younger than 30 not using the Internet? If you raise your hand, then what are you doing right now? Obviously, we use the Internet because we need it. We need the quick access to information and knowledge. We need the convenience that the cyberspace offers. We can use email, Skype, and MSN to communicate with friends for free. Of course there are much more thing that we can do through the Internet. I’m not going to list everything because I think most of them you already know. All what we got from the Internet can be conclude in a word, convenience. And the convenience is stronger enough to surpass all the cons that I’m going to tell you put together.
One important impact of the Internet to the younger generation is that it has changed the way they communicate. Instead of hanging out with friends, teenagers had showed a trend that they would rather stay at home and chat with each other. However, it is not obviously good for health since sitting in front of their personal computer chatting throughout their free time is not the best way to release pressure.
Sample Paper on Internet Influence on Kids
The internet has become a global means of communication and an indispensible tool for gathering and disseminating information. Illustratively, the internet converted the world into a global village whereby people from different parts of the world with different social status and thoughts can interact with ease and convenience. The internet is of importance across all ages depending on the reason for the use of this platform; to children and young scholars, it is an avenue through which educative information can be accessed easily, and a source of entertainment and the current issues (Stanley, 2002). Despite the many merits attached to the internet, if the use of the internet is not controlled, then it comes with negative impacts which may destroy the fabric that holds the society together. The young users are the casualties and bear the greatest threat of inappropriate interaction with the internet since they are not fully aware of how to tackle the impacts. This paper analyzes the influence of the use of internet on kids; this involves both the positive and the negative influence.
Positive Influence of the Internet on Kids
When the internet is mentioned in relation to kids, what comes to mind are the negative impacts that the internet has on the kids. However, the internet has numerous positive influences on the kids which can be capitalized to ensure that it is beneficial to the young users. The internet is a source of information that is relevant in the process of research work; this is because information on the internet can be filtered and narrowed down to specific topics (Stanley, 2002). Knowledge about a particular topic of study can be easily researched and different views can be drawn for the purpose of comparison. Therefore, the internet is an important tool for the academic and research work,especially for young scholars. Additionally, the internet provides the young users with interactive learning activities that are essential in the process of developing a quick and better understanding about specific content. It also provides some of the best educational games that give young scholars remediation skills in arithmetic including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Further, it provides them with an alternative and interactive platform for the promotion of skills like spellings and pronunciation.
Finally, to the young users, the internet provides an avenue for the learning of organizational and study skills which are of primary importance to students. Examples of the website include Evernote which gives the students an option to save their annotations in the form of notebooks for the purpose of future reference (Stanley, 2002).
Negative Influence of the Internet on Kids
When the use of the internet is not controlled, it has much negative influences on the user across all the ages; however, the kids are at great risk because they may not predict the direction that an internet interaction is taking. Besides, they may not be aware of the way to tackle the negative impact of the internet; thereby, leaving them at risk of online dangers. Firstly, addiction is one of the dangerous influences that the internet has on its users.Kids are mostly affected by this vice. Internet games and social media platform can be addictive and at extreme levels, the kids will spend most of their time on the internet, thus, interfering with their mental development (Stanley, 2002). “This internet addiction can result in disruption of the development of their mental at such young age”(Stanley, 2002).
Secondly, the internet has been established to promote a culture of laziness as well as the inability to perform tasks independently with the patience that is required. Students and kids can spend most of their time playing games on the internet, listening to music, or even watching certain programs without caring to allocate time for their studies. In some cases students have dropped out of school or have been expelled due to causes associated with the internet, other students have recorded deterioration of their academic progress (Stanley, 2002). Since the internet provides students with an easy and fast way of doing homework and assignments, it has led to the culture of laziness where students search for answers to their assignments online.
Cyber bullying and access to inappropriate sites is another negative impact that the internet has on its user; particularly the young users. The inappropriate site propagates pornography, radicalization, and other practices that are against the norms of the society. They give different and misleading information about the issues of religion, sex, and other issues, destroying the belief that had previously been created in the minds of the users.