Computer Science, asked by ayushak912, 1 month ago

internet,internet connection types, advantages and disadvantage of internet​


Answered by rkanshika44

internet is network of network the billion-trillon consist of computer are connected to each other.



dial up connection

broadcast etc


without internet is not possible to communicate,netbanking, e commerce.

internet provides entertainment, education, new to learn something, health, fitness, tourist, information,games ,traveling, Gain knowledge and more and more which is not describable...

communicate means communicate two or more persons to each other.

net banking means online money transfers, receive ,pay , but ,sold ,etc like in simple language we also recharge our mobile then we cut our money through net banking on mobile apps like airtel jio or more.


internet mostly affected on the children young man, old , child . people in home and spend much times on the internet. children play games,see cartoons, or more

people can't go out from their house and they affect by the internet. like eye blindness, not seen in night or more.....

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