Interpret individualised plan and familiarise self with the specific needs and wants of the person living with dementia
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I wish to join journalism instead of engeneering write a short paragraph persuading your parents to let you join the course of your choice in persuasive style.
NDIS assists people with disability, their families and carers to consider how they would like their life to be now and into the future and what strategies will enable them to work towards their goals.
Individualised planning helps people to:
build on their natural supports such as friendships, neighbours and community groups
clarify their choices about a pathway towards the life they want to live
identify opportunities to belong and make a contribution that is welcomed
develop their talents and skills
build on opportunities for a valued role in the community
feel confident that their future is safe and secure
access the supports and services they require to achieve their goals.
The person with disability is central to the process and takes control of developing and implementing their plan to the extent they desire.
A Local Coordinator is available to support the person with disability to develop their individual plan. This support can include providing tailored information and advice about different opportunities, supporting the person to outline their personal goals and investigating strategies that may assist them to achieve their goals.
For further information about the NDIS planning process refer to the documents below.