interrogative, imperative
1.we are practicing for
for our recital.
a) Declarative. b Interrogative c) Imperative d)Exclamatory
2.whichwayshould I go?
a) Declarative b) Interrogative do Imperative 2) Exclamatory
3.She is such a friendly person !
a)Declarative b)Interrogative
c)Imperative d)Exclamatory
4.Please go in line.
a)Declarative b) Interrogative
c) Imperative d) Exclamatory
5. Is this your house?
a)Declarative b)Interrogative
c )Imperative d)Exclamatory
1. We are practicing for our recital.
Type : a) Declarative
2. Which way should I go?
Type : b) Interrogative
3. She is such a friendly person !
Type : d) Exclamatory
4. Please go in line.
Type : c) Imperative
5. Is this your house?
Type : b) Interrogative
Types of sentences ::
Assertive Sentence
~An assertive Sentence expresses a statement to tell a fact. A statement always ends with a full stop ( . ) . Assertive Sentences are also known as Declarative Sentences.
Example :-
→ Miss Rashma is a good advocate .
→ The sun rises in the East .
Interrogative Sentence
~An interrogative sentence asks a question . A question always ends with an interrogation mark ( ? ) .
Example :-
→ What do you want ?
→ Where do you live ?
Exclamatory Sentence
~An Exclamatory sentence expresses a strong feeling . An exclamatory sentence always ends with an exclamation mark ( ! ) .
Example :-
→ What a pity !
→ How pleasant the weather is !
Imperative Sentence
~An Imperative sentence expresses an order , request or a wish . An imperative sentence always ends with a full stop ( . ) .
Example :-
→ Go there .
→ Please do this work .
Optative Sentence
~These sentences express a wish , prayer , curse , etc .
Example :-
→ May you live long
→ Wish you all the best