interview a grocery or ration shop retailer in your area on food safety. prepare ten questions
Please take care that no question should have a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ as an answer. The answers need to be more thought-provoking.
1. What do people understand by ‘food safety’? How different is it from what you think it is?
2. What is the biggest challenge regarding food safety for you?
3. How often are inspections carried out by the government? Are they frequent enough?
4. How difficult is it to sell safe but expensive food?
5. How effectively do government officials promote food safety? What more can be done?
6. What steps can you as a grocer take, to reduce or keep a check on adulteration?
7. If a customer feels that a particular food item is not fit for consumption, what should he/she do?
8. Do you feel that the older generation is more particular about food safety or the younger lot? Why?
9. How do you keep your store pest and rodent free?
10. How serious are the big companies about food safety?