Interview of social workers
What interests you about social work? Why did you choose this career?
Discuss your previous work experience and how it relates to this role.
How do you keep up with your continuing education requirements?
How much experience do you have working with people whose culture, race, or sexual orientation is different from yours?
What do you know about the population we serve? What interests you about working with this population?
Let’s say that you’re working in a community that’s new to you. How would you go about finding community resources for your clients?
Describe a major accomplishment in your fieldwork.
Talk about a disappointing fieldwork experience and how you handled it.
What information would you include in a psychological assessment?
What is your approach to case recording? How do you continue to improve your documentation skills?
How would you rate your active listening skills?
Describe a time you worked with a difficult client. How did you handle countertransference?
What would you do if one of your clients started behaving aggressively towards you?
Describe one of your more complex cases. What was your role in this case?
As a social worker, have you ever faced any ethical conflicts? How did you handle it?
Have you ever disagreed with a colleague about a treatment plan? How did you resolve the disagreement?