Interview some elders about their views on present day youth .prepare a list of at least 10 questions that you would like to ask them
Interview some elders about their views on present day youth .prepare a list of at least 10 questions that you would like to ask them
1. How do you think I resemble you? not like you, either?
2. Who has had the biggest impact on your life?
3.Which new technology has benefited your life the most? Which one do you find the most grating
4.Is there anything you've wanted to tell me but haven't gotten around to saying?
5.Do you have any questions you wish you had asked your parents but didn't?
6.Do you still wish that anything might have been done differently between us?
7.When did you feel the happiest in your life?
8.What do you most relish in?
9.How has your time in the military changed who you are?
10.What are the most significant life lessons you have discovered?
- It appears necessary for the younger generation to act in a way that surprises the more senior population.
- Today, we chuckle at how concerned parents were when Elvis moved his pelvis in the 1950s. Kids adored it.
- When their offspring joined the sexual revolution of the late 1960s, the same kids were already pretty out of control.
- New medications are always being developed to outperform (and out-kill) the older ones. Modern song lyrics startle elder ears. Today's girl's styles are similar to what prostitutes wore in the past.
- We also have the internet today.
Interview on elders about their thought of present youth. Prepare atleast 10 questions along with answers