English, asked by reddyseenu569, 3 months ago

Introduction (2M):

Whom do you define as a "Couch Potato"?

Would you term yourself as the same? If yes, give reason. If no give reason.

Data Collection (3M):

➤ Population based surveys show that Indians fall under the world's laziest nation. Do you agree?

Do a through research and collect the data in support and against the statement

Analysis (3M):

➤ "One in four people don't get enough exercises" - reported by WHO. Comment your views on this and share about 3 points, on hoe a change can be brought up.

Conclusion (2M): LIFE SKILLS

> "He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything." Disscuss within 20-30 words your understanding of the quotation given.​


Answered by someshnath


nothing to say about it pk???

Answered by swapnilmanekar2


1. A person who takes little or no exercise and watches a lot of television. A lazy and inactive person especially : one who spends a great deal of time watching television.

A couch potato is a popular expression in American English so it's worth learning. ... Couch potato.

I don't consider as couch potato. Because I work a lot I have college and tution, job too.

2. I am not agree with the above sentence. In the list of 168 nations, India finds a place on Rank No. 117, with 34 per cent of our population being not sufficiently active .

Overall, there were only four counties in the world where more than 50 percent of the population did not get enough exercise: Kuwait, Iraq, American Samoa, and Saudi Arabia. So these four countries are effectively the “laziest” in the world.

3. ¶ WHO report estimates that more than a quarter of people worldwide - 1.4 billion - are not doing enough physical exercise, a figure that has barely improved since 2001.

¶ One in four adults – and four out of five adolescents don't do enough physical activity. Women and girls generally are less active than men and boys, widening health inequalities.

¶ Fast Facts. Only 1 in 4 US adults and 1 in 5 high school students meet the recommended physical activity guidelines. About 31 million adults aged 50 or older are inactive, meaning that they get no physical activity beyond that of daily living.

4.“He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.

No one can take hope away from us; we are in charge of our own health, our own bodies and our own minds.

So make sure you do everything to keep your own body, mind and health in order.

Fill it with the right food and drink, read and watch the right books and programs.

Avoid junk food, drinks, magazine, programs and people.

I try and live as happy, healthy and wise a life as possible every single day and smile and treat everyone I meet with respect and in a way I like to be treated myself, whatever their race, religion.

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