English, asked by mitali3276, 6 months ago

Introduction for chapter a secret for two.


Answered by kiara023

A Secret for Two by Quentin Reynolds

In the short story A Secret for Two, by Quentin Reynolds, Pierre Dupin is a milkman. He gets a horse he named Joseph, after a saint. Pierre and Joseph delivered milk together for fifteen years, and a bond grew between them. They come to love each other, and they spend as much time as possible together.

Pierre shows love for Joseph all throughout the story. For example, Pierre would talk to Joseph, and every morning, neither seemed old, and when their job was done, Pierre looked very old walking down the street, and Joseph’s head drooped and he walked slowly to his stall. This shows that they love each other and savor every moment.

Also in the story, Pierre called greetings to Joseph like he was a person, and Joseph would turn his head toward Pierre. When Pierre delivered the milk, all he had to do was say “Avance, mon ami.”Joseph was very obedient, and after about a year, he eventually knew all the houses on Prince Edward Street that received milk, and all the houses that did not. He would walk right past the houses that didn’t get milk, and stop at the houses that did without Pierre lifting a finger. They trusted each other, and had a strong bond.

By the end of the story, Pierre and Joseph were getting old, but they kept trundling on, delivering milk every day at five am sharp. When Joseph died of old age, Pierre didn’t feel like living anymore. He walked into the street in front of a truck, and was killed. Five minutes later, when the doctor asked Pierre’s boss, Jack, if he knew that Pierre had been blind for five years, Jack replied, “Only one knew, a friend of his, named Joseph. It was a secret between those two.”

Answered by Swra


a secret for two


a secret for two is written by Quinton Reynolds.this story tells about the love and close friendship between a man and an animal. in this story the driver of a milk wagon Pierre and his horse Joseph shared a secret.pirre had been delivering milk for last 30 years. Joseph was by heart with the streets he had to go. gradually,Joseph and piree became old.piree came in front of a truck and died at that moment. then later ambulance game and his manager came to know that he was blind since last five years.this was the secret that was between the horse and his master.

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