Biology, asked by devilsid3001, 9 months ago

introduction of an alien DNA into a plant host cell is achivedby making them
1.competent with bivalent ions
2.using microinjections
3.using gene gun
4.using lysozymes and chitinase​


Answered by rk4710676


A. Microinjection is a technique in which DNA is directly injected into the host cells with the help of microinjection.

B. Electroporation is a technique in which pores are created in the cell membrane and thus, permeability is increased. As a result, foreign DNA can easily enter the cells.

C. Gene gun is a method to introduce alien DNA into host cells through microprojectile particles. The DNA coated gold or tungsten particles are bombarded with the host cells and alien DNA enters the cells.

D. Gel electrophoresis is a technique of separating DNA fragments on the basis of their size.

Hence, option D is not a method of introducing alien DNA into host cells.

So, the correct answer 'Gel electrophoresis'.



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