English, asked by AbhishekRai1685, 9 months ago

Introduction of dust of snow


Answered by Ngamyingkonyak


hope it will help you.



Answered by Nursery


• The poem ‘Dust of Snow’ by Robert Frost is a simple and short poem, yet with a deeper and larger meaning. The poet explains how an act as petty or simple as experiencing snow on one’s body can brighten one’s day. The two agents of nature, the hemlock tree and the crow are signifiers of sadness and gloom.

• Generally poets choose beautiful birds and trees for their poems. The poet has chosen a crow rather than a skylark or a nightingale. The crow, a black, dark creature, has an evil foreboding and is a symbol of fear, doom and death.

• The poet has also chosen hemlock tree in place of oak, pine or maple tree. Hemlock tree is associated with poison and death as hemlock was the poison used to kill the great philosopher Socrates.

• However, the poet has cleverly used these symbols or bad omens to signify that inauspicious things can bring joy and happiness, too.

• Thus the poem teaches us a lesson that we must not take things for granted but should be open and accept whichever way nature chooses to bless us.


• Nature has healing and curing power.

• Small events in a person’s life can have a larger significance.

• One should hope for the best even in the worst situations.


• The author was having a terrible day and was in a bad mood. He was standing near a hemlock tree which was poisonous.

• A crow which must have perched upon the snow laden hemlock tree happened to sprinklesome snow dust on him.

• The falling of the snow on his head lifted his mood instantly and his sad and depressivemood changed into an elated one due to the crow and the hemlock tree.

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