English, asked by bluefalconx99, 2 months ago

Introductory 'there' and ' it' Exercise- 1
Complete the sentences
with 'it' or 'there' (and a suitable form of 'be' or modal auxiliary if necessary).


A) In the state of Texas alone, there are thought to be more than thirty prisoners on death row.
B) She found it strange that he never talked about his childhood.

1) Once upon a time____ an old woman who lived in a shoe.
2) During tomorrow’s show____ an interval of fifteen minutes. than thirty prisoners on death row.
3) Luckily, ____ not any difficulty finding the shop yesterday.
4) ____ a long way to the beach from here.
5) ‘Which street is it?’ ‘____the first one on the left.’
6) ___ seems to be something wrong with my modem.
7) Strange weather for June; ____ freezing today!
8) ___ hardly any fuel left in the car.
9) The army doesn’t anticipate____ much opposition from the rebel forces.
10) ____ looks as though our team’s going to win, after all.
11) ____ supposed to be several ticket machines outside the station.
12) Given the right monetary conditions, ____ theoretically possible to achieve zero inflation.
13) From the swirling mist____ emerged a mysterious cloaked figure.
14) If the reorganisation goes ahead____ sure to be a lot of opposition from the sales force.
15) I leave____ to your conscience to decide whether to report the matter.
16) Frankly, ____ not surprising that they were expelled.
17) We would appreciate____ if you wouldn’t say anything about this to the children.
18) Well, Mr Green,____nothing wrong with the heating element so perhaps we’d better look at the pump.
19) Hello, ____ Azco Market Research here; I wonder if you’d have a few minutes to take part in our telephone poll?
20) The ministry didn’t expect ____ quite such a negative reaction from farmers.​


Answered by ff8448419






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