English, asked by avinashmadnani05, 11 months ago

"invest in hope of a good harvest or keep playing for the bad ones"
300 words description


Answered by aqsaahmed19945

Saving / sparing versus Contributing  

Contributing / investing isn't sparing. There's a critical distinction among sparing and contributing. The short clarification is that sparing is setting cash aside in a protected place where it remains until you need to get to it in a couple of days, a couple of months, or even quite a long while. It may acquire a little enthusiasm relying upon where you put it, and it will be there for you if there should arise an occurrence of a crisis or to accomplish the objective you're putting something aside for.  

Contributing is the way toward giving your cash something to do for you. At the point when done appropriately, it can commonly profit for you than the premium you may win in a pleasant, safe bank account or authentication of store. In any case, with remuneration comes chance. On the off chance that you settle on poor decisions or regardless of whether things outside your ability to control turn out badly, you could lose that cash. It probably won't be there for you in the event of a crisis.  

Contributing versus Betting / gambling

In the event that you recollect forget the "never contribute cash that you can't bear to lose" rule and never abuse it, you shouldn't need to stress over eating feline nourishment amid your retirement or if something conceivably cataclysmic happens like occupation misfortune or ailment. More terrible than contributing before you've built up funds is the possibility of contributing cash you have to meet different obligations, which can be disastrous.  

However there's a characteristic human inclination to need to exceed, to put in more cash than you can manage the cost of and go for an immense payout and that metal ring. This characteristic will in general end up amplified the more frantic somebody is for cash. He harbors the expectation that making it big will make every one of his issues leave. Numerous individuals beneath the destitution line are playing the lottery, however very few administrators drop their cash on tickets.

Answered by upenderjoshi28

Invest in hope of a good harvest or keep paying for the bad ones

Wise men say, ‘Hope sustains life.’ In order to draw the best out of life, we should also never ever lose hope. Life is not easy to live; and living a happy life is harder still. We have to pass many tests to reach a level where every moment is spent ecstatically.  

Harvest here refers to the consequences of our actions. If we have acted wisely and carefully, the result will always be favorable; however, if we have acted foolishly or recklessly, then the consequences are always painful. We have to pay for the reckless actions.  

In order to live a great life we must adopt the principle of ‘Invest in hope of a good harvest or keep paying for the bad ones’. Each one of us is reckless and careless initially; it means each human being makes mistakes. The consequences of mistakes are usually painful. This is a kind of harvest of our own actions. We should not lose hope and get discouraged. To err is human; but to persist in error is devilish. All human beings make mistakes. Man learns by trial and error. Making mistakes inadvertently is part of growing up.

Since making mistakes is part of life; we must not cry after making mistakes. We should accept our folly and set to correcting ourselves. Crying over mistakes is immature and not right. Crying over mistakes won’t correct the mistakes done in the past. We will have to face the consequences. Disillusionment often follows mistakes; we must learn the needed lessons and move on and must never ever commit those mistakes again.  

We must not stop making efforts. We should learn the art of making such actions as will bring abundant health, wealth, happiness, and peace to us. For it, we will have to master the art of doing the right thing.  

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