electric wire
4. Write the nitrogen cycle and their names?
5. Explain what is polyester?
6. Write the use of nylon?
What is a micro be called? Write the name
8. What is organic nitrogen fixation?
9. What are the major groups of microorganis
10. Explain the process of formation of petrole
Answer:Describe the short term cycling of carbon through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
Identify carbon sinks and carbon sources.
Describe short term and long term storage of carbon.
Describe how human actions interfere with the natural carbon cycle.
Describe the nitrogen cycle.
carbon sink
carbon source
Carbon is a very important element to living things. As the second most common element in the human body, we know that human life without carbon would not be possible. Protein, carbohydrates, and fats are all part of the body and all contain carbon. When your body breaks down food to produce energy, you break down protein, carbohydrates, and fat, and you breathe out carbon dioxide.
Carbon occurs in many forms on Earth and is found throughout the environment (Figure below). The element moves through organisms and then returns to the environment. When all this happens in balance, the ecosystem remains in balance too. In this section, let’s follow the path of a carbon atom over many years and see what happens.
These are some of the structures that carbon takes.
Nitrogen is also a very important element, used as a nutrient for plant and animal growth. First, the nitrogen must be converted to a useful form. Without “fixed” nitrogen, plants, and therefore animals, could not exist as we know them.
Short Term Cycling of Carbon
The short term cycling of carbon begins with carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.
The production of food energy by land plants.
Through photosynthesis, the inorganic carbon in carbon dioxide plus water and energy from sunlight is transformed into organic carbon (food) (Figure above) with oxygen given off as a waste product. The chemical equation for photosynthesis is below:
Plants and animals engage in the reverse of photosynthesis, which is respiration. In respiration, animals use oxygen to convert the organic carbon in sugar into food energy they can use. Plants also go through respiration and consume some of the sugars they produce.
The chemical reaction for respiration is:
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + useable energy
Photosynthesis and respiration are a gas exchange process. In photosynthesis, CO2 is converted to O2 and in respiration, O2 is converted to CO2.
Do plants create energy? It is important to remember that plants do not create energy. They change the energy from sunlight into chemical energy that plants and animals can use as food