Math, asked by niraj1, 1 year ago

is 0.1=0.10 (is 0.1 is equal to 0.10)


Answered by Anonymous
yes after decimal if u will writeright side i.e 0.1000000 it is same as 0.1 thousand zeros also there is no need to count but if zeros exist between two significant figures then u should count 

Anonymous: ok leave off plz mark it as best
Anonymous: thanks
niraj1: U r welcome MAM
Anonymous: ur in which class
niraj1: i'm in 8th standerd
Anonymous: im in 9th so plz dont call me mam ok
niraj1: & U
Anonymous: im just a year big
niraj1: k MAM
Anonymous: no need to call me mam ok
Answered by Angella
0.1 is equal to 0.10.
Its because,all the zeros after the non-zero digit present after the decimal point, if not followed by any non-zero digit, are considered insignificant.
For example, even 0.1000 is equal to 0.1

kvnmurty: what about the accuracy in measurement of 0.1 and 0.10 ? are they same ?
Angella: I'm not sure of accuracy. Need to refer my books once. But, most probably, not the same.
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