is 3300 a perfect square ?if not,the number by which 3300 should be a)multiplied so that the quotient is a perfect square b)divide so that the quotient is a perfect aquare.
3300 is not a perfect square
We have the prime factorization of 3300 as
- 3300 = 3×11×10×10
As we don't have the pair of 3 and 11 so the given number is not a perfect square.
a) We have to multiply 33 with the given number to make it a perfect square.
b) We have to divide 33 by the given number to make it a perfect square.
Given : 3300
To Find : the smallest number by which 3300 must be multiplied so that the product is a perfect square
Divide so that Quotient is perfect square
3300 = 33 * 10 * 10
= 3 * 11 * 10 * 10
= 3 * 11 * 10²
Hence it must be multiplied with
* 3 * 11 to get a perfect square
3 * 11 = 33
3300 must be multiplied with 33 to get perfect square
Must be divided with 33 to get perfect square
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