is a fungus that causes food poisoning
Some types of fungi have structures similiar to bacterial plasmids that is basically the loops of DNA.
Two fungi causing food poisoning- are Penicillium and Pathogenic fungus.
Eating Mouldy food can be dangerous to health.
Especially the fungi , that produce mycotoxins.
Food poisoning is a common problem due to the consumption of contaminated food stuff.
Bacteria and viruses are the most common causes of food poisoning.
⟹★ Some types of fungi have structures similiar to bacterial plasmids that is basically the loops of DNA.
⟹★ Two fungi causing food poisoning- are Penicillium and Pathogenic fungus.
⟹★ Eating Mouldy food can be dangerous to health.
⟹★ Especially the fungi , that produce mycotoxins.
⟹★ Food poisoning is a common problem due to the consumption of contaminated food stuff.
⟹★ Bacteria and viruses are the most common causes of food poisoning..