----------- is a simple text file created using HTML
Creating Basic HTML Files
Hypertext Markup Language is the standard for documents for the World Wide Web. The HTML file contains:
The text that appears.
Formatting instructions for the text.
Definitions of hyperlinks (pieces of text, sometimes called hot words or images, that, when you click on them take you to another document, located on the same computer or a different computer).
Instructions for inserting images and sounds.
Programs or calls to programs.
HTML files reside on what is termed a server computer and are interpreted by a browser program such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer on the user’s computer. This computer is called the client. These notes will describe how to create a simple HTML document
webpage is a simple text file created using HTML
- it is a hyper text document created by using HTML
- the full form of HTML is hyper text markup language
- a webpage gives access to many websites
- websites could include all the social platforms as well as business platform
- the word webpage is a metaphor
- the meaning of it is that papers are bound together