is assassination an end to a problem debate
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind”.
So basically what Gandhi was trying to say was that Violence is not the solutions for Violence or for any other problem that seems irresolvable otherwise.
Thus when we consider the topic for today’s debate we should consider these wise words.
Is assassination an end to a problem? Well we can clearly see from historical evidences that such is not the case.
There have been numerous assassinations in history that have brought about nothing but misery for one and all.
Also, if a person of a certain ideology is assassinated today because the people assassinating that person think of him as a villain then tomorrow someone else of a different ideology would assassinated the people the committed the first assassination and the vicious circle would continue. Killing someone cannot make them agree with you, but a well thought of dialogue can.
That is why the following phrase of old still holds strong, “The Pen is mightier than the sword”.