is bass the greatest instrument (I know the answer is yes )
My first instrument is the piano. My Gram had one at her house, and from a young age I would try to play it. Eventually, my mom got our household an electronic keyboard. I played with it a lot, even teaching myself some songs. I was then asked if I’d like to take lessons, and I did! It was only for a few years, but I had a wonderful teacher.
After my teacher moved away, we tried a new one. She just didn’t have the warmth of my previous teacher. I quit taking lessons after that.
When I got into 6th grade, I learned how to play the violin. I took classes until my freshman year, and got bored with it. No more violin.
In high school (or maybe even earlier), my best friend started playing electric guitar. I found it so cool and loved hearing the distorted play. We would make parodies of songs, would cover ones we knew, and even started to write our own music.
My sister’s friend left his acoustic guitar at our house, and never returned to get it. I started playing that. Heck, I still have it to this day! I eventually got a Squier Stratocaster, and a lowly amp. I didn’t tell my parents about it because of my track record, but it couldn’t be kept from them forever.
I was in/out a couple of bands. Then, my best and I started to record our music together. Boy, did we have a blast with that! It was exhilarating to to create something and to be expressive. We even paid to have one of our songs be put on a CD that was handed out at the Van’s Warped Tour!
I wanted to record music on my own, and started to invest in recording equipment. I got a Pod X3 and a copy of Sonar Home Studio 6 XL. Let the fun begin!
I bought a bass from a friend, and filled out the much needed low-end.
Why stop there? I then got an electric drum set (Roland TD-4SX) and taught myself to play those.
These days, I’m playing bass for a worship team (or filling in a different spot). I’m thankful that I was given so many opportunities to dive into music. I’m still recording music, and I still love it. I even wrote a song for my wedding :)