Is brainly safe and secure
yes but for studies only
I hope it will help you
Brainly is pretty secure. I don't think hackers are going to really mess with this website. But safe .....not so much.
This year, particularly after lockdown started there has been a lot of unnecessary questions popping up on the main page. Most of them are links for google meet and zoom meets with ridiculous names and for not that great reasons. And a few are simple "Follow me" questions.
But the thing which makes me say that brainly is not safe is due to the number of not good questions posted here. Things that are not needed for primary school students. And which have the capability to corrupt young students' minds. In fact I had the unfortunate opportunity to view such an 'enlightening image' today and I was absolutely flipped out( and lucky no one was in the room at that time).
Many bored students with a lot of time to spare are using this place as a platform to just ...amuse themselves and mess with the moderators and people who actually came to learn. That has caused brainly to go from a good website for homework to a site not meant for all. Hopefully, this will be tackled by the brainly team with the help of the users and brainly will become the app it once was.